
Dermaplaning is an exfoliation procedure that incorporates the use of a sterile surgical blade to remove dead skin cells and unwanted vellus hair aka “peach fuzz”.  This technique leaves the skin brighter and smoother and also allows for better penetration of skin products or, as a pre-treatment before a more aggressive procedure such as a chemical peel, microdermabrasion, microneedling and even laser. There is typically no down time with dermaplaning and can be performed on all skin types with the exception of imflammatory acne.


Dermaplaning and add-on services:

Dermaplaning- removes the top layers of your skin. Can help remove fine wrinkles and deep acne scarring, as well as make the skin’s surface look smooth.

Dermaplaning with Peel- Used to remove the uppermost layer of deadskin cells and fine facial hair to allow the chemical peel solution to be more effective and allow it to reach deeper layers of the skin.

Dermaplaning with Mini-facial- Remove the top layer of skin and fine facial hair to allow the facial to give the skin a dewy glow.
